Competitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate
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Competitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate review
This is a beautiful oil rubbed bronze plate that is a dark mahogany patina with copper undertones coming through along the edges and has an art deco look about it with the step design around the edges. This plate is for a three gang electrical box with three GFI outlets or Decora opening devices. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceCompetitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate Overviews
This is a beautiful oil rubbed bronze plate that is a dark mahogany patina with copper undertones coming through along the edges and has an art deco look about it with the step design around the edges. This plate is for a three gang electrical box with three GFI outlets or Decora opening devices.
Competitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate Specifications
Competitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate Features
- made of copper plated solid forged brass
- heavy thick gauge solid brass
- beautiful oil rubbed bronze finish
- art deco step design along the edges
Competitive Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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Deco Style Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 Gang GFI Wall Plate