An affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer
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An affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer review
Turns lights and appliances on and off automatically. Easy set up and operation. Auto adjusts to sunrise/sunset time for dusk/dawn setting. Automatic Daylight Saving Time option. Variable ON/OFF setting option for added security. Control lamps, appliances, electronics, heaters, air conditioners. Up to 28 ON/OFF settings. Convenient on/off indicator light. Sunrise, sunset, daily, weekday, weekend options. Battery backup w/low battery indicator. Large easy to read display. Displays current date and time. 2 timed receptacles. Grounded plug and receptacles. Electrical Ratings: 15 Amps, 1800 Watts Inductive, 500 Watts Tungsten, 125 Volts AC, 60 Hz., 1/3 HP. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceAn affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer Overviews
Turns lights and appliances on and off automatically. Easy set up and operation. Auto adjusts to sunrise/sunset time for dusk/dawn setting. Automatic Daylight Saving Time option. Variable ON/OFF setting option for added security. Control lamps, appliances, electronics, heaters, air conditioners. Up to 28 ON/OFF settings. Convenient on/off indicator light. Sunrise, sunset, daily, weekday, weekend options. Battery backup w/low battery indicator. Large easy to read display. Displays current date and time. 2 timed receptacles. Grounded plug and receptacles. Electrical Ratings: 15 Amps, 1800 Watts Inductive, 500 Watts Tungsten, 125 Volts AC, 60 Hz., 1/3 HP.
An affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer Specifications
An affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer Features
- Turns lights and appliances on and off automatically. Easy set up and operation.
- Auto adjusts to sunrise/sunset time for dusk/dawn setting.
- Automatic Daylight Saving Time option.
- Variable ON/OFF setting option for added security.
- Control lamps, appliances, electronics, heaters, air conditioners.
An affordable Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer customers ratings
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Intermatic Multi-Purpose DT620 CL 2-Outlet Timer