Lower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator
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Lower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator review
Output Waveforms Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse -- Applications: Educational Institution, Standard frequency source, PLL reference signal, Audio products test and adjustment, Supersonic Device test, Vibration test, and Servo control and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceLower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator Overviews
Output Waveforms Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse -- Applications: Educational Institution, Standard frequency source, PLL reference signal, Audio products test and adjustment, Supersonic Device test, Vibration test, and Servo control
Lower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator Specifications
Lower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator Features
- Frequency Range: 4, 7, 10 or 20 MHz
- Frequency Resolution: 0.1 Hz
- High Frequency Stability and Accuracy: 20ppm
- Low Distortion Sine Waveform: -55dBc
- Built-in 150MHz 6 digits External Counter
Lower priced Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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Instek SFG-2007 7 MHz, DDS Function Generator