Low cost Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet
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ListpriceLow cost Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet Overviews
Low cost Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet Specifications
Low cost Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet Features
- UL listed
- Heavy duty 12/3 SJTW, yellow cord
- Molded light sockets
- Accommodates bulbs up to 150 watts
- 12/3 SJTW 50' with twist-lock ends
Low cost Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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Coleman Cable 07558 50-Foot Temporary Lighting String with 20-Amp L5-20P Plug and L5-20R Outlet