Bargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter
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Bargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter review
The model 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter is used to ensure continuity and integrity of a wire, cable, conduit or any electrical connection. The 310 has a display resolution of 100 micro-ohms and has a professional four wire Kelvin test lead set included to ensure accurate readings. The heavy duty case has a rubber seal to make the unit water resistant and a convenient shoulder strap. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceBargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter Overviews
The model 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter is used to ensure continuity and integrity of a wire, cable, conduit or any electrical connection. The 310 has a display resolution of 100 micro-ohms and has a professional four wire Kelvin test lead set included to ensure accurate readings. The heavy duty case has a rubber seal to make the unit water resistant and a convenient shoulder strap.
Bargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter Specifications
Bargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter Features
- Four wire Kelvin lead measurements
- Over-voltage and over-temperature protection
- 5 ranges with 100µ ohm max resolution
- Water resistant case with shoulder strap
- Auto Power Off -- IEC/EN 61010-1 / CE
Bargain-priced BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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BK Precision 310 Digital Milli-Ohm Meter