Less expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack
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Less expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack review
Philips Halogena Energy Saver 70-Watt T60 "A-shape" household light bulb 2-pack is ideal for use in kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms, offices, family rooms, bedrooms and hallways. It provides a bright, white light and is fully dimmable. This "A-shape" household light bulb replaces your current 100-Watt incandescent A19, saving you up to 30-percent in energy costs. Philips Halogena Energy Saver household light bulbs can be used in the following fixtures: Open hanging pendants Table/floor lamps, Ceiling mounted fixtures. Savings without the sacrifice. Designing with light can dramatically change the mood, look and functionality of any room in your home. Philips Lighting Company offers a variety of products to help you achieve the look and mood you desire for your home. Philips Halogena Energy Saver light bulbs reduce energy consumption without sacrificing the qualities of a traditional bulb. They combine the benefits of energy savings with high-quality halogen light helping to enhance your home décor, while also helping to preserve our energy resources. These light bulbs last at least 2 years and contain no mercury. Halogena Energy Savers work with dimmer switches and are available in the sizes and shapes you are accustomed to. They are the perfect shape for every existing socket and fixture in your home. Their bright, white crisp light will help your home look beautiful while saving you energy and money. A sustainable lighting solution. Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Installing Philips Halogena Energy Saver bulbs is just one of the ways in which people can utilize a sustainable option in their home and create a positive impact on the environment. A simple switch can make a difference in the home and environment. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceLess expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack Overviews
Philips Halogena Energy Saver 70-Watt T60 "A-shape" household light bulb 2-pack is ideal for use in kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms, offices, family rooms, bedrooms and hallways. It provides a bright, white light and is fully dimmable. This "A-shape" household light bulb replaces your current 100-Watt incandescent A19, saving you up to 30-percent in energy costs. Philips Halogena Energy Saver household light bulbs can be used in the following fixtures: Open hanging pendants Table/floor lamps, Ceiling mounted fixtures. Savings without the sacrifice. Designing with light can dramatically change the mood, look and functionality of any room in your home. Philips Lighting Company offers a variety of products to help you achieve the look and mood you desire for your home. Philips Halogena Energy Saver light bulbs reduce energy consumption without sacrificing the qualities of a traditional bulb. They combine the benefits of energy savings with high-quality halogen light helping to enhance your home décor, while also helping to preserve our energy resources. These light bulbs last at least 2 years and contain no mercury. Halogena Energy Savers work with dimmer switches and are available in the sizes and shapes you are accustomed to. They are the perfect shape for every existing socket and fixture in your home. Their bright, white crisp light will help your home look beautiful while saving you energy and money. A sustainable lighting solution. Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Installing Philips Halogena Energy Saver bulbs is just one of the ways in which people can utilize a sustainable option in their home and create a positive impact on the environment. A simple switch can make a difference in the home and environment.
Less expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack Specifications
Less expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack Features
- Ideal for table or floor lamps and ceiling mounted fixtures, especially those in hard to reach places
- 70-Watt replaces 100-Watt A-Shape incandescent bulbs
- Save 30 Percent in energy costs
- Medium base, A-Shape
Less expensive Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack customers ratings
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Philips 70-Watt T60 Halogena Energy Saver Light Bulb, 2 Pack